Desperate Man with Hands on His Head
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How can I stop gambling?

Well done, it is a brave decision

to stop gambling.

Every day is progress;

the cravings will lessen;

and you will have a better future.

Take it from me - my last bet was in 2007.

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So how can I stop gambling?

We suggest two main things:

  1. Make it easy and automatic to stay stopped, through the triangle of Time, Money, and Opportunity

2. Tell a loved one

Read on for more details!

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Make it easy and automatic

Willpower is finite, so you need to make it easy and automatic for you to succeed.

Gambling is fuelled by 3 things, a bit like the “fire triangle”. These 3 things are:

  • Money
  • Time
  • Opportunity
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The triangle of Money, Time, and Opportunity

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The more of this triangle you can address,

the less likely you are to start gambling again

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The triangle: Money

Think of how you will stop gambling stealing your money. Write out 3 things personal to your situation, here’s an example:

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Turn on the gambling block on my bank (90% of banks do this)


Set up a savings account where I can’t access it quickly


Show my partner my bank statements regularly

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The triangle: Time

Think of how you will stop gambling using up your time. Write out 3 things personal to your situation, here’s an example:



Take the kids to the park for a quick bike ride or play with them before the bed time routine.


Take up woodwork again and volunteer for the Repair Shop


Do gardening on Saturday afternoons

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Examples of how you could use time

Household: Cleaning, cooking, gardening etc

Exercise & sport: Run, Walk, Swim, squash, football etc

Crafts: Work on a car, Knit, embroidery, woodwork, build something

Music: Sing, play music, dance

Social: Invite a friend out for a drink, attend a social club, go to a party

Watch: Film, a specific series on TV

Play games: Board games, chess, computer games

Arts: Write poetry, draw, take photographs, sculpture, start a journal or blog

Outdoors: Hike, go cycling, go bird watching

Read: Read a fiction or non-fiction book

Learn: Register for a course

Volunteer: In a local homeless shelter, food bank, old people’s home, church

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The triangle: Opportunity

Think of how you will prevent opportunities for you to gamble. Write out 3 things personal to your situation, here’s an example:

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Change my ad settings on social media


Install a blocking software like Gamban on my phone


Get internet filters set on my home wifi, with my wife setting the password

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Tell a loved one

Gambling is so "in your face" and everyone loves a winner. No-one wants to admit to losing - habitually - and not being able to stop gambling.

You may be worried about telling them, but family and friends are often relieved that such problems are out in the open. Often they know something is “off”.

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Tell a loved one

Keeping your gambling problem a secret is tiring and stressful. When you think you are alone, your situation can feel worse.

Hidden behaviours seem to have a power over us – telling someone disables that power immediately.

Your loved one can help keep you accountable.

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How can I tell someone?

How can you do it? Watch Dan’s 2 minute video and:

  1. Pick a good time
  2. Do it face to face
  3. Practise what you’ll say
  4. Don’t bottle out
  5. Start with a good phrase like “You may have noticed that...”
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A recap:

  1. Make it easy and automatic to stay stopped, through the triangle of Time, Money, and Opportunity - write your actions now.

2. Tell a loved one who can support you along the way.

In addition to this, do get in touch with us. We can support you through a chat in person or on Teams, and we can also pray with you if you want.

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Desperate Man with Hands on His Head